2016 State Championship

| January 17, 2016

The 2016 TBF of Michigan State Championship is scheduled for Sunday, July 17 on Lake St. Clair after confirmation from FLW Outdoors that we will have the weigh in trailer. This is now a boater – co-angler format with the boater selecting all the fishing waters. The boater pays a higher entry than the co-angler. The launch site will be Harley Ensign BAS (mouth of the Clinton River at the end of South River Road).

Boater entry is $125.00 while co-angler entry is $75.00. Boaters fish against boaters, and co-anglers fish against co-anglers. New State Championship payment buttons will be created and added soon for the boater and co-anglers to pay online on this website.

To guaranty your boater status please sign up with a matching co-angler. Clubs please send an equal number of boaters and co-anglers. Participation is not guaranteed if we don’t have an equal number of boaters and co-anglers signing up together.

New National Semi-Final Overview and Rules Documents

National Semi-Final overview web


The state team from this event will travel THIS year October 1 and 2 to fish the new National Semi Final in Ohio at Sandusky Bay. They will only be competing Michigan against Ohio. This was done to cut down travel time and save money for participants by having the follow up tournaments closer to home. The format will be boater – co-angler too. There is an entry fee for the National Semi-Finals event.

This season only 2 boaters and 2 co-anglers from every state will advance to the 2017 TBF National Championship. A boater and co-angler from the September 2016 Northern Divisional in South Dakota at Lake Oahe, and a boater and co-angler from the October National Semi Final. Everyone will fish from their own boat for 2 days at the national championship to eliminate 1 boater and 1 co-angler. Then 1 boater and 1 co-angler from every state will fish out of matching Ranger Boats the rest of the tournament as has always happened in the past. It will be a week long event.

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